Tofu and mushroom sauce
All Recipes, Vegetarian

Tofu and mushroom in gravy sauce

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Yummy tofu and mushroom sauce served with rice

I love gravy sauces so much, I try to explore and make delicious rice sauces with gravy. This is my first time trying tofu and gravy together and it came out really well. This tofu and mushroom in gravy sauce is very easy to make with little ingredients, which makes it more healthy than other gravy recipes.

Tofu is an excellent substitute for meat; it is high in iron and protein, something that Vegetarians and Vegans will be conscious of in their diet. It is cheaper than meat and lasts longer, making it a more sustainable option for the fridge. Eaten as a snack or as part of a larger meal, tofu is a diverse dish that can be enjoyed with many other food groups; meaning it is an excellent addition to your plate.

Tofu and mushroom sauce


1 block of raw tofu, 1 pack of white mushrooms, vegetable gravy. 1 medium size onion, 2 garlic cloves, 1 red or green Jalapeno/chilli pepper (or substitute for grounded pepper), 75mls of olive oil, a pinch of salt and cooked rice to serve. You can substitute white mushrooms for other types of mushrooms and any hot pepper sauce can be sub for jalapeno.

Tofu: There are different ways to cook tofu, but I used fried tofu for this recipe. You can also use roasted or raw tofu. Fried tofu is the most common and easiest way to cook tofu, with this method your tofu will be ready to eat in 5mins.

  1. Set the hob at high heat and place a non-stick frying pan on it.
  2. Add 75mls of olive oil (you can use any type of cooking oil) in frying pan. 
  3. Once the oil is heated up, add the tofu and let it fry for 2 ½ minutes each on both sides. A well fried tofu should be crispy brown on both sides.
  4. Place the fried tofu on a plate and sprinkle salt on it while it’s still hot.

Fried tofu can be eaten as a snack or vegetarian/vegan appetizer. See 4 ways to cook tofu here

Rice:  Cooked white rice is best served with this tasty vegetarian sauce. This sauce should do 3 to 4 serves, so cook the rice accordingly.

Vegetables: Chop the mushroom, onions, jalapeno and crush the garlic cloves ready to toss into the gravy.

Fried tofu and mushroom in gravy sauce

Recipe by Oluwaseyi O’shea
5.0 from 4 votes
Course: DinnerCuisine: InternationalDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



It’s quite easy yet tricky to make perfect gravy sauce. If the gravy isn’t cooked well, it will bulk up and the sauce won’t turn out well


  • 1 pack Organic tofu

  • 1 pack White mushroom

  • 3-4 tablespoon Vegtable gravy

  • 1 medium size Onion

  • 2 Garlic cloves

  • 1 Jalapeno/chilli pepper

  • 75 mls Olive oil (to fry tofu)

  • Pinch of salt

  • Rice to serve


  • Add 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable gravy to a saucepan or bowl. If you’re using a kettle for hot water, make sure the water is not boiling or the gravy granules will become too thick too quickly and you’ll have to start again. If your’e using the hob, stir the gravy granules into water, which is slightly heated, and continuously stir until it becomes the texture you want, but do not let the mixture come to boil—add more gravy granules to thicken if needed.
  • Add tofu, mushrooms and onions into the gravy and give it a little stir.
  • Add chopped jalapenos/chilli pepper and pressed garlic and a pinch of salt. Stir together gently and give it about 5- 7mins to simmer without covering under medium heat.
  • Serve with rice.


  • You can make your own twist by adding other herbs and spices, but always keep it simple.
  • PS: Nutrition information is estimated using an online nutrition calculator and based on ingredients used.

Other Tofu recipes

Utensils and tools in this recipe

Chopping board, knife and saucepan. (You can buy any of the items on Amazon by clicking the link. This opens a new tab on your browser so you will still remain on this page).

Can you freeze tofu, mushroom in gravy sauce?

Yes you can. To freeze the sauce, let it cool down and turn into a lidded plastic container. I always recommend freezing food for not longer than one month; the longer food is frozen for the more it loses its taste and flavour. When you’re ready to use the sauce, bring it out and let it defrost before microwaving on high heat for 3-4min. Defrosting the sauce gives the chance to get rid of any excess water from the ice before microwaving.

Let me know if yours came out well in the comment box below. Connect with me on my social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and Pinterest @Daddysnom.

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