Simple scrambled eggs recipe made without milk
Scrambling eggs without milk is a quick way to make ‘’eggie’’ breakfast without any fuss. All you need is eggs, butter and a non-stick saucepan. You don’t have to add cream or milk while whisking the eggs, but you can garnish scrambled eggs with cherry tomatoes, sautéed mushroom or spinach. Scrambled eggs are perfect on toast or with sausages and veggies seasoned with grounded pepper.
Scrambled eggs ingredients: To make one portion of scrambled eggs, you will need 2 large free range eggs, a knob of butter and salt to taste. Two large free range eggs is okay for one serve; if you’re the greedy type use up to three eggs.
This scrambled eggs recipe is easy to make in just 5 minutes and it is packed with protein. You can add milk or cream to the eggs while beating it, this makes it creamy. Some cooks argue that adding milk to eggs makes it colourless, rubbery and with less flavour. Most importantly, adding milk to scrambled eggs increases the calories, which makes it less healthy.
You can try this Homemade breakfast burrito made with scrambled eggs, avocado, grated cheese, bacon and wrapped in tortilla.
Tools and Utensils in this recipe
Non-stick frying pan, flat spatula and mixing bowl (You can buy any of the items on Amazon by clicking the link on them. This opens a new tab so you will still remain on this page).
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