All Recipes, Breakfast

Breakfast bruschetta with tomato sauce and pesto

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Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and pesto breakfast bruschetta

Bruschetta is a popular Italian appetizer but can also be served as a breakfast menu. Bruschetta is from the Italian word “bruscare” which means “to roast over coals”. Traditional tomato bruschetta is made with large vine tomatoes and fresh basil leaves, but I have used cherry tomatoes in this recipe. The taste of fresh cherry tomato sauce topped with pesto or basil feels like a summer holiday by the beach. The aroma and flavour of garlic and olive oil in the tomato sauce makes this breakfast bruschetta perfect.

tomato paste bruschetta

Fresh basil is the most common topping used for tomato breakfast bruschetta, but I have used homemade pesto in my own twist, and it tastes super delicious. Also, I used toasted sourdough bread but you can use French baguette or Italian bread. See how to make homemade pesto in 5mins here

1 pack of cherry tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, homemade pesto, 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, 1 knob of butter, 2 garlic cloves , 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar  and toasted French baguette or Italian bread to serve.

Breakfast bruschetta with tomato sauce and pesto

Recipe by Oluwaseyi O’shea
5.0 from 1 vote
Course: BreakfastCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Easy


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I used cherry tomatoes in my own recipe, but you can use vine tomatoes. The vine tomatoes should be ripe and will need blanching in hot water for 1 to 2 mins before cutting and mashing.


  • 1 Pack Cherry tomatoes

  • 12 slices Mozzarella cheese

  • 1 tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 knob Butter

  • 1 teaspoon White wine vinegar (or balsamic vinegar)

  • 2 Garlic cloves

  • 12 teaspoons Homemade Pesto sauce

  • 4 slices Sourdough bread


  • Place a saucepan on the hob and set it to medium heat.
  • Add cherry tomatoes and stir for about 4 mins.
  • Mash the tomatoes with a wooden spoon (The tomatoes will be softened by the heat and should mash easily).
  • Add 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon of white wine vinegar,1 knob of butter, and pressed garlic.
  • Stir together gently and leave to simmer for 3mins to simmer on low heat
  • Serve with toasted sourdough bread (or Italian bread or French baguette slices). Spread the tomato sauce first, followed by slices of mozzarella cheese and pesto dressing.


  • You can replace French baguette with roasted zucchini. This is a perfect low-carb and gluten free bruschetta twist.
  • PS: Nutrition information is estimated using an online nutrition calculator and based on ingredients used.

Bruschetta can also be served with guacamole to make guacamole bruschetta. See simple homemade guacamole recipe here

Tools and Utensils in this recipe

Saucepan, garlic press and spatula (You can buy any of the items on Amazon by clicking the link. This opens a new tab on your browser so you will still remain on this page).

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to peel tomatoes for Bruschetta?

It depends on what type of tomatoes you’re using. With cherry tomatoes, as seen in my garlic and tomato sauce recipe, I didn’t have to peel the skin off; cutting or mashing will do. However, if you’re using other bigger vine tomatoes, peeling the skin off will increase the juiciness and flavour of the tomato sauce.

Is bruschetta served hot or cold?

Traditional Italian tomato Bruschetta is served hot from the grill. This is more practical when it is homemade.

Why is my bruschetta soggy?

If you’re using vine tomatoes, cut your tomatoes into half, scoop the seeds and the inner parts of the tomatoes before dicing. This removes the tomato juice that makes bruschetta soggy.

Is bruschetta the same as Crostini?

The difference is the size of the baguettes used. Crostini is traditionally made with small pieces of French baguette while Bruschetta is made with Sourdough bread or bigger slices of French Baguette.

Let me know if yours came out well in the comment box below. Connect with me on my social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and Pinterest @Daddysnom.

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