Creamy Shrimp pasta
All Recipes, Pasta

Healthy Creamy Shrimp Pasta

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Creamy pasta recipe made with shrimp, mushroom, and spinach

Pasta is rooted in Italian tradition and it comes in different shapes and sizes. This creamy shrimp pasta recipe is made with tagliatelle pasta. Meaning ‘cut’ in English, Tagliatelle pasta swirls when combined with thin oily or creamy sauces. The texture of the tagliatelle and the shrimps makes this dish a true feast for the senses! The flavours complements each other perfectly, making this a healthy creamy shrimp pasta dish you will turn to time and again.

Healthy creamy shrimp pasta Ingredients

75g of Tagliatelle pasta, 1 pack of uncooked shrimps, 2 handful spinach leaves, 5 white mushrooms, 4 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, 100mls of single/double cream, 1 teaspoon of grounded pepper flakes, 2 garlic cloves (or 1 teaspoon of garlic granules), 5 fresh basil leaves and sea salt. You can also use dried basil, oregano and other herbs to add more flavour.

Shrimps can be subbed for diced chicken breast or bacon and you can sub mushrooms for asparagus.


Pasta: Pour 500mls of water in a saucepan and bring to boil. Add tagliatelle pasta, turn down heat and let it simmer uncovered for about 7 to 10mins. 75g of pasta serves one person; this produces about 180g after cooking. While the pasta is cooking stir occasionally; drain excess water before tossing into your sauce.

Vegetables: Cut 5 white mushrooms into about 3-4 slices and crush the garlic cloves using a garlic press (or cut into tiny slices using a knife). To chop the basil leaves, place them on each other, roll it up like a cigar and slice with a knife. You don’t have to do this if you’re using dried basil or oregano. Wash the spinach under cold water before using (it doesn’t need slicing).

Healthy Creamy Shrimp Pasta with Spinach and Mushrooms

Recipe by Oluwaseyi O’shea
4.8 from 6 votes
Course: DinnerCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Fairly easy


Prep time


Cooking time




Total time



Creamy shrimp pasta recipe made with Tagliatelle pasta, shrimp, mushrooms, and spinach.


  • 75 grams Tagliatelle pasta

  • 1 pack Uncooked shrimps

  • 2 handful Spinach leaves

  • 4-5 White mushrooms

  • 4 tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil

  • 100 mls Single/double cream

  • 1 teaspoon Ground pepper flakes1

  • 2 Garlic cloves or 1 teaspoon of garlic granules

  • 5 Chopped basil leaves (optional)

  • Pinch of salt


  • Set your hob to medium heat, place your saucepan and add 4 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil. Heat the oil for about 2mins.
  • Add uncooked shrimps. If the shrimps are frozen, soak it in warm water for about 3min, get rid of the water and and let the srimps dry before you start cooking. Fry the shrimps for 2mins on both sides.Creamy Shrimp pasta
  • Add mushroom slices and 2 handfuls of spinach and sauté for 3mins using a spatula.
  • Add pressed garlic, chopped basil leaves, grounded pepper and a pinch of sea salt. Stir together gently and leave to come to simmer for 2 mins. You should be able to smell the sizzling flavours and inviting aroma.Sauteed spinach and shrimp
  • Add 100mls of single or double cream; stir together gently and let it simmer for 3mins under medium heat.
    Creamy Shrimp pasta
  • Add 180g of cooked Tagliatelle pasta (you can use other types of pasta), mix with the veg and leave to simmer for 4mins without covering. Taste and season with more salt if needed.Creamy Shrimp pasta
  • Serve hot! This recipe is enough for 1 serve.Creamy shrimp and mushroom pasta


  • You can make creamy pasta without heavy cream and it will still be tasty. Milk can be subbed for heavy cream and you can add parmesan cheese to thicken it up. This will still have less calories compared to using heavy cream.
  • PS: Nutrition information is estimated using an online nutrition calculator and based on ingredients used.

Other pasta recipes

Utensils and tools

Saucepan, chopping board, knife, spatula and garlic press. (You can buy any of the items on Amazon by clicking the link. This opens a new tab on your browser so you will still remain on this page).

Frequently asked questions about Creamy mushroom pasta

Can I freeze creamy mushroom pasta?

No. The dairy content in creamy pasta doesn’t make it suitable to be frozen. If you’re not ready to eat straightaway, cover with Clingfilm and chill in the fridge until ready to eat. Microwave for 3mins on high heat before serving.

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